Elevating Your Reputation Through Connection business confidence dentistry patient relationships reputation workplace Aug 15, 2023

In the dynamic world of healthcare, building and maintaining a stellar reputation isn't just about providing exceptional care – it's also about fostering genuine connections with your patients. The question arises: how do you ensure that your team communicates your reputation effectively to...

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Navigating Inflation in Dentistry business coaching dental coach dentistry money conversations workplace Aug 08, 2023

Inflation is a significant economic challenge that rears its ugly head from time to time. As dentists, there are a few ways that we can manage these tough times. 

Inflation often accompanies periods of high demand, supply problems, and the infusion of cheap, easy money into the system....

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Embracing a Growth Mindset for Dental Practice Success business confidence dental coach dentistry reputation workplace Aug 01, 2023

In the dynamic world of dentistry, growth and development are not only possible but essential for success. The foundation of this progress lies in adopting a growth mindset. A growth mindset is the belief that our abilities and intelligence can be nurtured and enhanced through dedication and hard...

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Effective Strategies for Implementing New Workflows business culture dentistry technology workplace Jul 25, 2023

Have you recently attended a continuing education course and are eager to implement your new learnings in your dental office? Introducing new workflows and systems can greatly enhance your team's efficiency and patient care. However, successful implementation requires careful planning and...

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Embracing Digital Dentistry business dentistry patient technology workplace Jul 18, 2023

 As dentistry continues to evolve, it's crucial for dental professionals to stay ahead of the curve and integrate digital tools into their daily practice. The advancements in technology have opened up a world of possibilities, revolutionizing workflows and enhancing patient care. 


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Mastering Overhead: A Guide to Controlling Costs business coaching dentistry money conversations technology Jul 11, 2023

As doctors and healthcare professionals, one burning question often consumes our minds: What are the most critical factors in controlling overhead?

After all, overhead is the difference between collections and profit, making it essential for us to find ways to lower costs or increase revenue....

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The Worries That Keep Dentists Up at Night: Exploring the Concerns of Dental Professionals business confidence culture dentistry reputation Jul 04, 2023

Dentists are the unsung heroes of oral health, tirelessly working to ensure their patients' smiles are healthy and bright. Behind those white coats and cheerful demeanors, however, dentists face numerous concerns that can impact their practice and personal well-being. Let's explore the...

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Rebuilding Trust and Respect with Associate Doctors business dentistry relationships reputation workplace Jun 27, 2023

When mutual trust and respect become a broken relationship in a senior doctor/junior doctor business partnership, it can be challenging to know how to approach the situation.

Here are some steps you can take to try to repair the relationship:

Schedule a Meeting

Arrange a time to meet with...

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Science of Influence culture dentistry relationships reputation workplace Jun 20, 2023

How often do you find yourself influenced by others? Influence to buy a product, try new foods, go to new places, etc. The power of being influenced is strong. Six principles explain how we are so easily influenced by certain things.

The six principles of influence were proposed by psychologist...

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Consequences of Delaying Care business dentistry patient relationships reputation Jun 12, 2023

 Are you using facts or fear?

Striking fear in your patients about the consequences of not completing a recommended treatment plan may seem like a direct approach, but it often won’t get you anywhere.

Before putting together a plan for a patient, we need to have a heart-to-heart...

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Let’s Clear Those Past Due Balances business dentistry money conversations reputation Jun 06, 2023

I recently had a call with one of our dental teams.They have been struggling with getting financial arrangements for patients that slipped through the cracks.These patients did not have financial arrangements set up before treatment was rendered, and they were pretty frustrated.

I know...

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Do You Have Emotional Intelligence? business culture dentistry relationships May 30, 2023

What Is It?

Emotional intelligence basically refers to a person's ability to recognize, understand and manage their own emotions, as well as those of others.

It helps individuals to build better relationships, make more informed decisions, and lead a more fulfilling life. If you can understand...

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