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Rebuilding Trust and Respect with Associate Doctors

Rebuilding Trust and Respect with Associate Doctors

business dentistry relationships reputation workplace Jun 27, 2023

When mutual trust and respect become a broken relationship in a senior doctor/junior doctor business partnership, it can be challenging to know how to approach the situation.

Here are some steps you can take to try to repair the relationship:

Schedule a Meeting

Arrange a time to meet with the junior doctor in person or over the phone. Be respectful and professional in your approach.

Acknowledge the Breakdown

Start the conversation by acknowledging that the trust and respect in the partnership have been compromised. Be open and honest about your feelings, and avoid placing blame or making accusations.

Listen Actively

Listen actively to the junior doctor's perspective and concerns. Give them space to express themselves fully, without interruption.

Apologize if Necessary

If you have contributed to the breakdown in trust and respect, offer a sincere apology and take responsibility for your actions.

Identify Common Ground

Look for areas of agreement and shared goals that you can build on to repair the relationship.

Develop an Action Plan

Work together with the junior doctor to develop a plan to address the issues that have led to the breakdown in trust and respect. Be specific and realistic in your approach, and set clear expectations and timelines for follow-up.

Follow Up

After the meeting, follow up with the junior doctor to ensure that progress is being made towards rebuilding the relationship. Check in regularly and be open to feedback and suggestions for improvement.

Trust is not just a “feeling”. It is a pathway to reduced worry and anxiety. It also is a decision that you make for yourself that is not totally based on the behavior of the other person. Trust is the foundation of collaboration and resides heavily in your intentions for the relationship.

Give yourself the gift of trust to keep yourself sane and give the other person the gift of trust to build a relationship of safety and responsibility!

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