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Cringe-Worthy Language Transformed

business culture patient relationships workplace Aug 29, 2023

In the fast-paced world of healthcare, team meetings are often seen as necessary but sometimes dull routines. However, what if I told you that you can turn these meetings into engaging and memorable experiences that not only strengthen your team's cohesion but also enhance patient care?

The secret lies in a simple yet effective game that revolves around eliminating cringe-worthy language.

Picture this: You're sitting in a meeting with your dental team, and the atmosphere is light and fun. The key to this transformation is to start with something that makes someone on your team cringe, laugh about it together, and then work together to replace such language with more patient-friendly alternatives.

For example, one of my dental assistants once confided that it made her cringe every time I asked for "another syringe." To her, it felt like we were signaling the impending arrival of yet another shot, which wasn't the most comforting thought for our patients.

So, we decided to turn this cringe-worthy moment into an opportunity for team bonding.

We began by creating a hilarious list of words and phrases that made us cringe in a professional setting. Words matter in healthcare, especially when they might be perceived as threatening or unfamiliar by patients. We collectively agreed on alternative, patient-friendly terms to replace these cringe-inducing expressions.

To make it even more interesting, we introduced a fun element to our game. Each team member received eight quarters and we placed a jar in our staff room. Every time someone slipped up and used one of the "cringe words" during patient interactions or discussions, they had to contribute a quarter to the jar. It wasn't long before the jar began to fill up, often due to team members playfully calling each other out.

The best part? The person who ended up with the last remaining quarters in their pocket got to claim the entire jar for our team's happy hour outing at the local pizza arcade. This added a competitive and entertaining dimension to our transformation efforts.

As a result of this playful game, our team's language quickly shifted to become more patient-friendly and accessible. In no time at all, I found myself asking for a "glass without" instead of requesting a "syringe without epinephrine." Complex medical terms became as simple as colors – a "blue" instead of a '30 short needle,' for example.

The transformation wasn't just about changing our words; it was about fostering a welcoming and patient-focused environment within our dental practice. It was about ensuring that every team member functioned on the same wavelength when communicating with our patients, making their experience as smooth and reassuring as possible.

The beauty of this linguistic game is its adaptability. You can tailor it to suit your team's preferences and needs. The goal is to create a positive patient experience, strengthen your team's unity, and, most importantly, have fun while doing it.

So, why not give it a try? Turn your next team meeting into an opportunity to revolutionize your communication and enhance your patient care. Who knows, you might just find that your team meetings become something everyone looks forward to with a smile.

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